On Sun, 6 May 2001 10:04:57 -0700
 "Carl Sassenrath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Would be nice.  Sterling started working on one a few
> months
> ago but got too busy to complete it.  It's resizeable,
> etc.
> I'll post it to the Reb as open source, with the
> agreement that
> we all get to use it and future enhancements free of
> charge.

That's great.

> It's got a few bugs still, but you'll have it fixed in no
> time
> I'm sure.
> Which reminds me, we **really** need to set up a
> REBOL-based
> code sharing area on the Reb.  We can host it off our
> reboltech.com
> domain.  I want to move the main script library there
> too.

Just a reminder that VidWiki can accept scripts from anyone.
And now that it has scroll bars, it meets your earlier
objection of being too large for lower resolution clients'
screens :-)

Graham Chiu
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