Very nice, Ryan (I love weather scripts). Here's a modification of your
script to make it web-ready. See it in action doing the Asheville, NC
weather at:

and below is the script itself (mostly Ryan's work, give him all the

#!/rebol/rebol --cgi

print "Content-Type: text/html^/"

ZIP: 28806   ;;; put in your own zip code

forecast: func [
    ZIP [integer!] {The ZIP code for where you want the forecast}
    /local weather-URL weather-info future-weather
    weather-URL: make url! rejoin
[{} ZIP {&nav=home}]
    weather-info: read weather-URL
    parse/all weather-info [thru "^/." copy text to "$$" (future-weather:
copy text)]
    print future-weather  ;; added print function

print "<h2>Weather for Asheville, North Carolina</h2><br>"

forecast ZIP

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