Public opionion makes all the difference.  This is why napster was only mildly 
cremated, and slow cooked at that.  The record companies are scared to death of
public opionion backlash.  It really shows, when you look at all the steps that they 
have taken to insulate themselves--almost like they are hiding something.

A name not based off the word nabster (thief) would probably be a good idea.

Napster has a degree of anonimity.  The last time I used it, it didnt ask me if any of 
my mp3's where copyrighted as it made them available to the masses.  I
figured I was exempt when it did that.

Only allow mp3's that were created by the uploader, and create a system of 
responsibilty that is put onto the uploader, not onto you.  Each time someones
uploads, or makes available an upload, they must agree to the terms of use.  Its the 
same thing as putting software on


Ammon Cooke wrote:

> I definetly agree.  See my last post it has my view point on avoiding that
> kind of thing, however it is just my view point, & it might be good to get
> RT's permission before jumping into that kind of thing.
> Enjoy!!
> Ammon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ed O'Connor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 12:52 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: REBster
> > A P2P-like file sharing system in REBOL is a neat
> > idea, but it could be risky from a legal standpoint.
> > If the application includes the ability to circumvent
> > music (and/or software)copyright laws, apart from your
> > own skin, I'd be concerned that REBOL Technologies
> > might be exposed to a nasty lawsuit. It's a crusade
> > that RT probably doesn't want to get mixed up in right
> > now.
> >
> > It's not unusual that the music industry would try to
> > implicate RT on the grounds that "it specifically
> > enabled" the illegal activity. I can hear it now:
> >
> > "Your Honor, we would not be here today if not for
> > REBOL Technologies' blatant disregard for copyright
> > laws. The fact is, in putting networking technology
> > well within range of the average computer user, REBOL
> > Technologies made it far easier to build illegal
> > messaging applications than any other product in
> > history. **And yet they did nothing to stop it.**"
> >
> > All kidding aside, I'd avoid anything that could end
> > up diverting time/resources from RT. If you build a
> > Napster clone, make sure you confine it to the lab
> > until you can implement the key security features.
> > Also, the name "REBster", being a play on "Napster",
> > isn't a great strategy if you hope to avoid
> > controversy.
> >
> > I realize I'm advocating a position that may not be
> > popular. Right or wrong, though, I'd prefer that RT
> > keeps its money tied up in software engineers rather
> > than legal defense.
> >
> > file://Ed
> >
> >
> > --- Ryan Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I think that its probably not too good for overall
> > > record sales (although I have seen statistics that
> > > "prove" me wrong).  I also think its probably not to
> > > good
> > -------------SNIP
> >
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     Ryan Cole
 Programmer Analyst

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Einstein

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