Hi Jason, Donald and all,

I'm everyday working with Macromedia Director so I don't have so much
experience with Flash directly but I think these two products are very
similar in some aspects.
>From my POV Macromedia stuff and their philosophy is very poor against
Rebol. Yes, Flash and  Director has some more gfx features than /View but
man, It is version 5(Flash) and 8.5(Director)!! I think Macromedia has just
one big monopol in their "internet-multimedia" field/market because there is
not  almost any good alternative technology to compete with.
If RT guys would work on /View multimedia stuff intesively for about one
year they could have made /View as a big competitior against
Flash(Director). Rebol/View, although it lacks (for now) things like vector
gfx, font engine, rotation, alpha channels, free sound, streaming,
multimedia format support, embedded plugin, it has lots of advatnages...very
good core, the language itself, the communication stuff such as ports,
protocols, and very good mutiplatfom standard quality, cheap prize. (I
believe, most of you will agree that we couldnot  compare Rebol against
crappy ActionScript or even Lingo.)

Anyway both technologies has own cool developers and software pieces( just
have a look at:
http://www.vectorlounge.com/04_amsterdam/jam/wireframe.html )

I don't want to make any flame wars against MM fans/haters. I just wanted to
point out the possibilities for Rebol/View(Hey RT guys! What about eat few
pieces from big Macromedias money-pie? ;-) ). I still believe RT could make
from /View far more better multimedia engine than all MM products are...

just my 2 cents ;)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Dalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Flash tech? Was Re: Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001
17:20:09 -0500

> Hello, Jason:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason Cunliffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:45 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:20:09 -0500
> > But a REBOL-FLASH dialect may be very useful path towards that.
> >
> > One should not understand the fundamental strength of the Flash dynamic
> > object paradigm: nested Flash movie clips each of which have their own
> > timeline. [goodexample: http://www.levitated.net/ ]
> That's it? ;^(
> I have yet to see any redeeming value to any Flash, including these. Some
> don't work (at least 2 didn't at your paradigm site); most authors don't
> redundancy access methods, in case it won't work right, locking non-Flash
> and/or Flash users out of a site entirely (found another site last week);
> most are an assault on my senses (read as yuck, yeow! or who cares); all
> take too long to acquire, unless you have DSL/cable (read as too BIG,
> restrictive and, ultimately, a grand waste of my time).
> In short, Flash sucks, big time! I am not alone in thinking that Flash is
> technology/art looking for an audience - a make-work project enabler.
> Someone may find a useful, necessary or earth-shattering application for
> some day, but, until then, I remain skeptical and unimpressed by its
> How is REBOL going to benefit from that kind of environment? Bad
> programming/content is bad programming/content, no matter what the
> language/art or medium in which it is done.
> Sorry, Jason - I am not being anti-art, here, or a tech Ludite. I grew up
> surrounded by arts/fine arts and am now an artist in my own ways, too -
> just that I know what I like. In Flash's case, it's what I don't like.
> Besides, from the POV of a Libra, it looked as if this Flash love-in
> some "balance". <stepping off soapbox>
> Donald Dalley
> --
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