I respect and agree with your comments Donald,

I just want to put flash in another perspective...

If flash is used NOT as web site but as a stand alone tool for creating MM
applications, then a mix of rebol and flash it REALLY nice using the best of
both it allows us to fill rebol's current MM holes.

my two cents!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Dalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Flash tech? Was Re: Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001
17:20:09 -0500

> Hello, Jason:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason Cunliffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:45 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:20:09 -0500
> > But a REBOL-FLASH dialect may be very useful path towards that.
> >
> > One should not understand the fundamental strength of the Flash dynamic
> > object paradigm: nested Flash movie clips each of which have their own
> > timeline. [goodexample: http://www.levitated.net/ ]
> That's it? ;^(
> I have yet to see any redeeming value to any Flash, including these. Some
> don't work (at least 2 didn't at your paradigm site); most authors don't
> redundancy access methods, in case it won't work right, locking non-Flash
> and/or Flash users out of a site entirely (found another site last week);
> most are an assault on my senses (read as yuck, yeow! or who cares); all
> take too long to acquire, unless you have DSL/cable (read as too BIG,
> restrictive and, ultimately, a grand waste of my time).
> In short, Flash sucks, big time! I am not alone in thinking that Flash is
> technology/art looking for an audience - a make-work project enabler.
> Someone may find a useful, necessary or earth-shattering application for
> some day, but, until then, I remain skeptical and unimpressed by its
> How is REBOL going to benefit from that kind of environment? Bad
> programming/content is bad programming/content, no matter what the
> language/art or medium in which it is done.
> Sorry, Jason - I am not being anti-art, here, or a tech Ludite. I grew up
> surrounded by arts/fine arts and am now an artist in my own ways, too -
> just that I know what I like. In Flash's case, it's what I don't like.
> Besides, from the POV of a Libra, it looked as if this Flash love-in
> some "balance". <stepping off soapbox>
> Donald Dalley
> --
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