Colin wrote:
>  Rules: [
>         "(Length? to-string *) > 0" "No data"
>         "date? *"                   "Bad date"
>         "(* - 14 ) < now/date"      "Too old"
>         "specialcheck * "           "Not special"
>         ]

Better would be:
    Rules: [
        [(Length? to-string Value) > 0]    "No data"
        [date? Value]                      "Bad date"
        [(Value - 14) < now/date]          "Too old"
        [specialcheck Value]               "Not special"

And then instead of:
>  foreach [rule message] Rules [
>      if not (do replace/all copy rule "*" mold LoadedValue) [
>        print [LoadedValue " fails rule: " Message]
>               break
>      ] ; if
>  ]  ; for

try something like:

    foreach [Rule Message] Rules [
        Value: LoadedValue
        if not do bind Rule 'Value [
            print [Value "fails rule:" Message]

This way you avoid Rebol having to repeatedly parse the string. Instead you
work directly with Rebol values, and avoid having to use special syntax in
your rules.

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
Who wishes Rebol could play DVD movies...
ICQ: 26227169

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