Hi, Marck

> My preference would be all words are defined as local to their context,
including words defined in objects, functions and use contexts. All undefined
words are intitialised to the 'unset value and are testable with the value? or
unset? get/any 'word functions.

Well, a question of taste (and strict ortogonality).

> This seems the most logical, simple, straightforward and consistent solution
to me, however it's not REBOL behaviour so we just have to make do with the
quirkiness that is current REBOL behaviour / design.

If you prefer unset value, you could use (and eventually extends to implements
args) this joke example which is like a "delayed use block" (define once and
use many times) (is 9/10 times faster than an use block):

>>ufunc: func [locals body][does second func locals body]

>>k: ufunc [a b c][a]
** Script Error: a has no value
** Where: k
** Near: a


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