I've been sitting back holding off commenting, but can't hold off forever.
If you really want to make it easier for maintenance programmers, all I can
say is to repeat the Designer's Tip Sheet.

Tip #7 Code in Style
"REBOL is a highly dynamic language that allows massive creative freedon in
script's design. But, when it comes to the source format of your script, use
the standard style (found in the REBOL User's Guide). Adhering to a standard
style will make your script easier for you and others to read"

I see little point in using a style different to the style that is in used
REBOL itself. For one thing the source function loses some of its utilty if
you have to mentaly map from the standard formatting to your own style.
If you have trouble reading the standard style,  then maybe you haven't
truly learnt to read REBOL yet.
(or you might be carrying too much baggage from past languages.)

Please stick to the standard guide as much as you can, at the very least
please stick to it for posts to this list.
When in Rome... etc


Allen K

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