Hi All,

Here is my summary of file organization options for
a text db.

File Options -

1.  Single file

Pro - Very easy to manage and relocate
Pro - Simple read logic
Con - Poor write performance
Con - Hard to read data mixed with schema
Con - Limited to small record counts

2.  Schema, Data, and Index file

Pro - Provides clean content by purpose
Pro - Supports larger record counts
Pro - Still reasonable to manage and relocate
Con - Poor write performance
Con - Still somewhat limited in record counts
Con - Multiple file synchronization issues

3.  Schema file, Data and Index files for each table

Pro - Provides clean content by purpose
Pro - Supports larger record counts
Pro - Moderate write performance
Pro - Moderate read complexity
Con - DB is made up of many files
Con - Multiple file synchronization issues

Variations -

1.  Any of the above, changed records appended at end of file

Same as Joel's suggestion.

Pro - Improves write performance
Con - Complicates read logic and performance
Con - Harder to manually view data

1.  Any of the above, changed records in a log file

Like Joel's suggestion but stored in a dedicated file.

Pro - Improves write performance
Pro - Provides place to implement limited transaction support
Con - Complicates read logic and performance
Con - Harder to manually view data

3.  Any of the above, individual data operations in a dedicated file

Like the append changed records options but just recording
the action and new data.  Field levels changes for updates
or record level changes for add and deletes.

Pro - Improves write performance even more
Pro - Provides place to implement limited transaction support
Con - Complicates read logic and performance
Con - Harder to manually view data

FWIW, Rod.

Rod Gaither
Oak Ridge, NC - USA

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