I take my chances ;-)

Enhancements on the Rebol-Console!

* Even a more detailed/enhanced help on system/....

* A console escape to the shell 

* Build-in Editor functions, Line numbers, Code that can be saved
  while programming on the console.
  Loading code inside a different segment for -ON-the-console editing.

* A user.r console editing function like:

* Intelligent command enlargement like under UNIX pressing Esc esc..
  example: make-d^ESC^ESC will become make-dir

* A restart from the console:
  >>restart ;;  a cold restart/reload of ./rebol 

* Better support under UNIX for SHIFT-PgUP/SHIFT-PgDn
  under windows the Enter brings you to the prompt last entided,
  under UNIX you have to scroll back with Shift-PgDn

* Scroll Buffer support under UNIX;
  >>system/console/buffer: 9999   ;;;lines
  ** Could be this is already there but i could not find it.

...well thats pritty it.. Looks like im realy a console freak..Mmmm...

-- Alien/abduction: "...Wainting for a Rebolish encounter..."
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