Hi Gregg,

> I thought, when I started with REBOL, that I would build an OOP
> infrastructure for my projects (as I had done in the past with other
> languages), but the more I've worked with it, the more I've moved
> away from
> that line of thinking. I'm still finding my way with REBOL, from a design
> and style perspective, so my view is hardly something to be taken
> as gospel.

I find myself in the same situation as you (my view is not to be taken as
gospel), however I do find myself in a position where my project would
benefit from a "better" implementation of OOP for Rebol... And furthermore,
I have decided that if I need such an infrastructure, better share with my
fellow rebolers.

> I know that Carl has professed that he is "recovering" from OOP and the
> design of REBOL shows this, while it's flexibility allows you to do OOP
> pretty darn well if you want. I can see building an extensive OOP
> system as
> a great challenge, and certainly possible, but I'm not sure the solution
> will be as elegant as it otherwise could be. Caveat emptor, I
> haven't built
> any large systems with REBOL, where OOP might really shine.

I know about Carl's recovering, we have yet to know if he has fully
recovered ;) I can understand his point of view and respect his decision for
Rebol. However, I'm a bit of a doubting Thomas, and since I daily work in
OOP and I daily see it's results and qualities for a delivered product, I'm
a believer.

Furthermore, I'm quite happy he has offer us basic OOP functionality in
Rebol, if it wasn't for these, I would have probably liked Rebol for small
projects/scripts, but not for big ones/applications and I have a big one in
mind ;)

Why Rebol and not another pure OOP languages ? Because I like Rebol, I'm a
believer !

> I look forward to seeing your results if you pursue them.

Thanks, I hope I can achieve an infrastructure which will interest others !

Best regards,

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