Hello All,
Wondering, How intelligent a Programming language or IOS must be(come)
What I expected but did not find:
See below the example how intelligent Rebol is?
>> a: b + 1
** Script Error: b has no value
** Where: halt-view
** Near: a: b + 1
If would like to see Intelligent action like !
>> a: b + 1
== 1
How intelligent could it be?
I would expect that a variable not defined could automaticly
be assigned. ie ->
(a: b + 1) if "b" was never defined then rebol should
be able to make "b" automaticly "0"
How nice it would be, not to define every time after time
local variables and globals ...etc...
If rebol is able to make variables automaticly the right value
or string or time or etc... We would have a real step into the
Intelligent program(ming)..
I hope someone could have a tought on this issue also,
-- dinner/conversation: "How do you eat your Rebol in the morning?"
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