Hi, as I promised to some of you a new version of make-doc-pro for the last
weekend (or the weekend before that) but failed to do so you will get it on this
weekend. It's more a beta release this time and you can only get it through my
Reb site (remember to reload the file).

Why a beta release you ask? That's quite simple. I have rewritten make-doc-pro
from scratch, mainly the parser and the emitter parts are now much cleaner and
better to maintain. Further the code is a lot smaller ;-) about 600 lines of

The current version has mostly everything for markup. The options, =image etc.
stuff is currently missing, no indention done yet. etc. But you can write all
the texts and it can now handle words like b*tree ;-)) without a problem. Oh,
and it's mostly makespec, makedoc compatible now by handling explicit
line-breaks in text paragraphs correctly. This should make it possible to
convert all source-documents from RT.

Have a look at it and let me know what you think. The gaps will be closed in the
next days. Robert

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