Hi Anton,

I tested your script and I got this :

make object! [
    code: 305
    type: 'script
    id: 'invalid-arg
    arg1: 'status-change-date
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: [set-modes file compose [
            (to-set-word mode) (get-modes file mode)
    where: 'do-boot
date status-change-date ?object?
date modification-date none
date access-date none
string owner-name none
string group-name none
integer owner-id none
integer group-id none
logic owner-read none
logic owner-write none
logic owner-execute none
logic group-read none
logic group-write none
logic group-execute none
logic world-read none
logic world-write none
logic world-execute none
logic set-user-id none
logic set-group-id none
make object! [
    code: 305
    type: 'script
    id: 'invalid-arg
    arg1: 'full-path
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: [set-modes file compose [
            (to-set-word mode) (get-modes file mode)
    where: 'do-boot
file full-path ?object?

I hope it will be usefull for you.

Anton wrote:

>I am interested to see the different file modes
>available on different platforms.
>I have tested on Windows2k and NT4.
>I need Linux, Amiga, Mac and any others.
>I would like you out there who have one of the above platforms to
>try the following code and report back with the result.
>save file: %anton-filemode-test "" ; create a file to experiment on
>foreach mode get-modes %dummy 'file-modes [
>       print [
>               type? get-modes file mode
>               mode
>               if error? set/any 'err try [
>                       set-modes file compose [
>                               (to-set-word mode) (get-modes file mode)
>                       ]
>               ][probe disarm err]
>       ]
>delete file ; clean up
>The code just prints out the datatype of each mode, 
>the mode word, and reports if there was an error
>setting that mode. (I want to see which modes cannot
>be modified, if any.)
>Thank you very much,
>and thanks to Ammon for your response on this matter
>on 20 April.



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