Command includes Shell access so you can send any command to the system shell 
it gives you access to DLLs,  It has some nice built in Database support.  It 
is a lot more powerful than /Core or /View.   I have attempted any windows 
stuff yet, but I am sure it is fun...


A short time ago, bryan, sent an email stating:
> I was just wondering about Rebol command as I'm considering buying it,
> my understanding is that it gives greater control over the operating
> system than just rebol core, now as the operating system I want to
> control is Windows in this case the rest of the email applies to
> windows, under the heading "External Library Access" it says that one
> can "Interface to legacy systems or directly execute standard operating
> system dynamic library functions...", by dynamic library I suppose it
> means I can access dlls; does this mean I would have the Rebol versions
> of CreateObject, GetObject etc  to work with? If so, seeing as Rebol is
> in C does that mean I would have access to all the object properties
> that are not accessible via Visual Basic. The reasons for these
> questions are sort of difficult to explain(having to do with a project
> that has been going on for a while) basically what I want is to be able
> to access the Webbrowser control, and to get ahold of the methods
> associated with IDocHostUIHandler, specifically GetExternal() -- that's
> the one everyone always wants isn't it :)
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