On 11-Jun-02, Joel Neely wrote:

Hi Joel,

Good to have you back.

And see below...

> Carl Read wrote:

>> I think we need it, but not so much because it'd be easier
>> (perhaps) for programming, but because it's more descriptive. For
>> instance, we know what this means...

>>    prompt-payment-discount: $5.25

>> but does this...

>>    prompt-payment-discount: 5.25

>> mean money or percent?

>> If it was this though...

>>    prompt-payment-discount: 5.25%

>> we would know.

> That's what comments (or descriptive names) are for.

>    prompt-payment-discount-percent: 5.25
>    prompt-payment-discount-factor:  1.0 - (5.25 * 0.01)

> or

>    prompt-payment-discount: 0.0525  ;; 5 1/4 percent

Okay, not a good example, so you missed my point. (:

Instead, compare this...

    [1.05 12.75 1.15 19.22]

with this...

    [%1.05 $12.75 1.15 19.22%]

The datatypes make the data descriptive, both to people and REBOL. 
VID's a good example of making use of this, where a number is treated
as width, a pair as width and height, a string as text and so on. 
And because they're individual datatypes we don't have to remember a
specific order they need to be in.  This doesn't of course work for
all cases as you're often going to need more than one of each
datatype, but it's a very useful feature to have.  So instead of
something like this...

    button label "A button" width 100 depth 50 color 255.0.0

we can have this...

    button "A button" 100x50 255.0.0

I don't think new datatypes should be added willy-nilly, but percent
is definately one that should be there.  They wouldn't give it a
button on nearly every calculator if it wasn't in very common use now,
would they?

Carl Read

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