Hi, Mat,

You're almost there!  Here's a complete example (using a string for
the original raw data)...

rawdata: {
Pickup Truck:Red
Pickup Truck:Yellow
Pickup Truck:Orange
Pickup Truck:Blue

finaldata: []

foreach line parse/all rawdata "^/" [
    if parse/all line [
        copy type to ":" skip copy color to end
        either colors: select finaldata type [
            if none? find colors color [
                append colors color
            append finaldata reduce [
                type reduce [color]

foreach [type colorlist] finaldata [
    print [type ":" tab colorlist]

Mat Bettinson wrote:

> CarLines: read/lines %file
> foreach CarLine CarLines [
>   Car: pick (parse CarLine none) 1
>   Colour: pick (parse CarLine none) 2
>   ;
>   ; ???
>   ;
>   ]

... or, more simply...

    foreach carline read/lines %file [

since you can use the block of lines directly in FOREACH.

>   ;
>   ; But how do we poke it back? We don't have a position to do a poke?
>   ;

You don't.  Blocks are mutable values, so when you APPEND to a block
you are modifying its content -- even if it happens to live inside
another block.

Hope this helps!

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