Hi Brett,

On Saturday, July 06, 2002, 10:10:04 AM, you wrote:

BH> I have found that it is not entirely reliable though (event with the bug fix
BH> of events: copy []). You can get the slider very far away from the mouse. I
BH> haven't tried /forever option, not sure how, where, when you can use Eat
BH> apart from your example.

We  tried  to  merge  two approaches, Romano's (pulling out events
from   the   event  port  when  they  are  not  needed)  and  mine
(compressing  events  for  the  whole /View). It's likely that the
thing  has  some problems, but it shows that something can be done
in this direction.

BH> So I haven't tried it with a real app either.

EAT/FOREVER  should not have problems, except when you really want
ALL  events.  However,  it  was  not tested much, and of course is
mainly a hack.

BH> It seems though that the app should process as many events as it can handle,
BH> without slowing the user.

Basically,  this is what EAT does. It lets the app receive all the
events,  but  if  they  start  to  queue (because the app responds
slowly),  it  does  not  send  useless events (i.e. moves that are
overridden  by  the  next  move,  etc.). It preserves the order of
events, and does not remove events across event/type changes.

We  have  to  find  a better way to make the filtering happen on a
face-by-face  basis instead of globally; I think the best solution
would  be to send all the queued events at once to a face, so that
the  face feel decides if it should skip some or not. However this
would require changes by RT...

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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