Anton wrote:

>I tried it with the smtp server at my dialup isp.
>I could type just random characters for "your-client-url"
>and it said:
>       Hello [202.x.x.x],
>       pleased to meet you
>so you see it determined the ip address (202.x.x.x) that my
>isp assigned to me when I dialed in. This "HELO/EHLO" stage
>may or may not be a problem for you.
>Also, try typing "HELP" for a list of commands.
I telneted to the server, looks like it connected no problem, but all I 
got back when I HELOed was "OK". Nothing else happened.

Sincerely,         | When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries of 
Ed Dana            | life disappear and life stands explained.
Software Developer |   -- Mark Twain
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  | 
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