G. Scott Jones wrote:

>Hi, Ed,
>From: "Ed Dana"
>>G. Scott Jones wrote:
>>>It is not obvious from what you wrote about. ...
>>Nope, it's not obvious from what I wrote. But then, that's my whole
>>problem, I'm not sure where I should start looking. :)
>Sorry.  I didn't mean to imply that your description was in any way
>inadequate or lacking.  I should have written something more like that I
>agreed that it certainly wasn't obvious what was going on.  My blunder;
Think nothing of it. I did. :)

>>I don't believe that the server requires authentication. Working with
>>our SA, we were able to send an email on that box using a unix command
>>(I forget which, I'm not a unix dude), it worked fine.
>I also should clarify at this point that I, too, am not a AIX/unix/*nix
>dude, but I played one at an improv theater once.  (<<---- Attempt-At-Humor
>Alert ---->>)  So like all good actors, then I'm probably over qualified.
That's OK, I slept at a Holiday Inn... (Funny only if you live here in 
the States and pay attention to Holiday Inn commercials :)

>Actually I don't think that this is an AIX issue, or I wouldn't be wasting
>your time.  Just that in being a close follower of the list, I've noticed
>certain recurring patterns of problems.  This one *appears* to be a
>requires-some-sort-of-authentication-that-is-not-fully-supported category,
>which can be further subcategorized into a
>using-a-"non-standard"-user-account-name or
>using-one-of-the-many-non-standardized-authenticated-smtp issues.
My problem is: I don't know. Personally, I think it is a configuration 
issue, but where? It's either REBOL, or it's the AIX box. And I gotta 
eliminate one in order for it to be the other.

>>I'll try it, but I'm not sure what you mean by "your-client-url"? Do you
>>mean the url of the box I'm trying to email from? Please clarify...
>I guess that was a bit nebulous.  Sorry.  As Anton pointed out in a separate
>response, it may not matter what is typed in here because many email servers
>will determine what it needs, namely your machine's URL, and therefore, your
>machine's IP.
>Assuming that you are emailing from within the network (which I assume you
>are since I cannot ping nor telnet to your server from the Internet), your
>client url would likely look something like "dana.avnet.com" or maybe
>"dana.bestdivision.avnet.com".  The email server will then get the IP
>address that belongs to this url.  My foggy-headed understanding of this is
>that some email servers can be configured to only accept email from within
>certain subnets as a further means of avoiding the unintended hosting of a
>promiscuous email server (I just love that expression).  Further
>authentication is a redunduncy added in case the url/ip has been spoofed, or
>authentication can be used to accept email from outside the subnet or
>network (like if you are working from home), in which case the url/ip is
>unimportant, but the user account name and password is crucial to avoid
>being a promiscuous email server (there's that expression again).
>Since you didn't mention having a user account name that includes an @ (like
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]) and that you use (or will be using) Exchange server,
>then you may wish to try the hack I made April '01 for Nick Carson.
I am using an Exchange Server (or will be), unfortunately, I don't know 
if smtprelay is an exchange server or not. It's supposed to be a simple 
relay server, but I know little of these things. But it is definitely 
not the server I am ultimately going to connect to. At this point, I've 
done nothing more than try and send an email.

Maybe I should spend another night in a Holiday Inn? =)

>In this solution, I provide two scripts that add hacked versions of the smtp
>scheme and the send function.  Watch for line breaks.  I renamed these to
>avoid any conflict with REBOL's official version, but can be named to
>overwrite the default code.  As it stands, these scripts are designed to be
>run from a REBOL console, but can be easily rewritten to run as a /View gui.
>The authenticating username and password are requested from the console
>prompt on first use, and stored internally for the rest of the session.
>These values are not saved to permanent storage locally for security
>reasons.  Please note that if this script is to be provided for multiple
>user use, it would be trivial to halt a script then hack and get the
>username and password once entered (meaning, security risk).  If this is the
>situation, then the scripts should be changed to ask for the
>username/password *each time* needed.
I'll give this a try next week.

>If these scripts do not work, then I would try the telnet route.  From
>Windows, open a dos box and type in:
>    telnet smtprelay.avnet.com 25
>After the email server responds, type
>    EHLO your-client-url-as-discussed-above
>then see what returns.  This return infomation will be very valuable for
>determining what to do next in making REBOL compatible.  You may sign-off
>the telnet session with "QUIT" and return.
>(BTW, if you cannot see what you type, then in the telnet menu, click
>preferences, and select "local echo".)
>I hope I have further clarified what was evidently a less than clear
>explanation.  I'm interested in hearing what you find.
As I mentioned to Anton, I tried HELO (EHLO wasn't available). I only 
got one response "OK". That was about it...

Sincerely,         | When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries of 
Ed Dana            | life disappear and life stands explained.
Software Developer |   -- Mark Twain
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  | 
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