Hi Norman,

I am not trying to do that.
I want to have a console while I am in a wait event loop with a server port.


Norman Deppenbroek wrote:

> Hi Maarten,
> Are you trying to redirect all Console traffic true TCP perhpas ;-) ??
> I tried it, but was not successfull, somehow it also seems that the
> console ports are randomly opened (and not closed afterwards under windows!!)
> Anyway if you have the solution drop me a note until now i was not
> 100% succefull in redirecting directly Console/IO true UDP or TCP
> during console access. Finaly I ended up building a new console ;-)
> (R)egards,
> Norman.
> --- Conversation/lunch: "How do you Eat your Rebol in the Morning?" 

Maarten Koopmans
Innovation manager      tel:   +31 30 2 305 324
Surfnet BV              fax:   +31 30 2 305 329
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