Hello Petr,

Friday, August 16, 2002, 7:57:35 AM, you wrote:

PK> Hello,

PK> in the age of advanced Internet browsers, we still can meet with very 
PK> lame downloaders they provide. They offer no ability to start at the 
PK> place where download was broken. So I created following 1KB in size 
PK> small util. As you can see - no GUI. I tried, but I spent most of my 
PK> time playing with look, so I gave up. It is simple, small, does what it 
PK> is supposed to do, well, mostly.

PK> Every time I think I finally understand how something works, I stay 
PK> starving at console, getting unexpected results. So, the script as it is 
PK> seems to work. Just try to answer my following questions:

PK> 1) I tried to use simply "data: copy source" aproach. The strange thing 
PK> is, that while I use /no-wait, it should perform body block of 'while. 
PK> But I can see console hanging, and the body block is entered only once - 
PK> once file is completly downloaded. But - 'copy should not block here, no?

PK> 2) With larger file, I obtain network time-out. So I tried to use some 
PK> kind of "not error? try [data: copy source]", but well, once port is 
PK> closed by the other side, 'none is generated, but 'none itself doesn't 
PK> return false(error) state to 'try. So - how to adapt the script, so I 
PK> could safely go home, and let my script to 
PK> download-damned-thing-even-in-million-pieces, safely? :-)

PK> ... I turned it back to copy/part aproach, but - is open/no-wait on http 
PK> port broken? Why does 'copy block, or - what happens at all? Any 
PK> explanation appreciated.

PK> PS: used write/binary/append, untill open/skip works as expected ....

PK> -pekr-

PK> -------------------------------

PK> source-url: http://www.rebol.cz/~cyphre/
PK> source-file: %styles2.jpg

PK> target-path: %./
PK> target-file: source-file

PK> source-size: size? join source-url source-file

PK> either exists? join target-path target-file [
PK>  target-size: size? join target-path target-file
PK> ][target-size: 0]

PK> if target-size == source-size [print "Nothing to download, file already 
PK> complete ..." halt]
if target-size >> 0 [print ["Appending at " target-size "bytes"]]

PK> start: now/time
PK> forever [

PK>    while [error? try [source: open/binary/direct/no-wait/skip join 
PK> source-url source-file target-size]][
PK>     print "Can't open source file .... waiting 10 min"
PK>     wait 00:10
PK>    ]

PK>    while [
PK>      wait source
PK>      data: copy/part source 2048
PK>    ][
PK>      write/binary/append join target-path target-file data
PK>      target-size: target-size + length? data  
PK>      print ["Source-size: " source-size tab "Downloaded: " target-size 
PK> tab "Time: " now/time - start]
PK>    ]
PK>   if target-size >= source-size [break]
PK> ]

PK> close source

I thought that the 'skip on binary/direct modes is  broken, but not
sure... I was thinking to use somethink like that in my downloader
script as well (skiping already downloaded parts) but not started
 BTW: you should also check if the file was not modified since
your last downloading. And your script will be also unusable on some
files where is no info available (usualy generated files)

And one more comment:
I'm not sure but maybe it will be better to make the checking (file
info) after opening the port, because now you probably open the port
two times.... but I'm not sure because the 'query function that's
called on the port is native and the port is closed after that... see
>> source info?

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