Hello Gregg,

So when I understand correclty then Rebol does not have a function
that displays all the extra words created after boot-up, which is
by itself currious because i would expect that Rebol is using a
buffer where it keeps its extra added words! objects! etc...

Yes, as you say, that leaves me searching all the words but then again
how do i know what was opened or closed or created befor I entered
the console...Or even..when i execute a script from within the console
i would love to see a summery of what it all created on words! objects!
etc... I cant emagine this does not exist because this way you take out
the control  ...MMmm...

Right now im trying to discover the meaning of the state: object!
when a port is opened, I see some differences in flags and func
when a port is closed or opened.. Perhaps a rebol guru could explain me
the details of the state object! ?

Ill keep on rebolstrugling... thanks for the reply..


Conversation/lunch: "How do you Eat your Rebol in the Morning?" 

Citeren Gregg Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

-> Hi Norman,
-> Paul Tretter came up with a way to see if a port is open I think. Paul,
-> you
-> around?
-> As far as checking which words are ports (if I understand your request),
-> you
-> can iterate over the global words to find them, but that won't find them
-> if
-> they live inside a context. You can also find objects and iterate into
-> them,
-> but the best approach will depend on what you actually want to accomplish.
-> Try: "help tuple!" at the console and you will see that it finds all the
-> tuple! values. You can use SOURCE on HELP as well to see how it works.
-> Here's a basic example:
-> find-words: func [test-fn words /local result] [
->     result: make block! 50
->     foreach w words [
->         if test-fn try [get to-lit-word :w] [append result :w]
->     ]
->     sort result
-> ]
-> find-words :tuple?   first system/words
-> find-words :integer? first system/words
-> find-words :object?  first system/words
-> HTH!
-> --Gregg
-> -- 
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