* Jason Cunliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020828 15:35]:
> Hi Tim
> Are you hoping to use multipart/x-mixed-replace to upload image files to a web
> site?


> If so I would love to know more about how that works
  And I'd love to get it to work... (LOL)
  I'm attaching my rebol code, warts and all, am hacking as i speak.
  You also might want to look at this link:
> thanks

  And maybe we can learn together. :-)
> ./Jason
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 4:37 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] jpeg images not working
> > Hello Rebols:
> >     I'm attempting to use rebol to push jpeg images to a a web page.
> > Rendering is not working.
> >
> > The beginning source of this looks as follows (between asterisks):
> > *********************************************************************
> > HTTP/1.0 200 OK
> > Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary
> >
> > --myboundary
> > Content-type: image/jpeg
> >
> > #{
> > FFD8FFE000104A46494600010101025802580000FFDB00430001010101010101
> > 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
> > *********************************************************************
> -- 
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-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --

#!/usr/bin/rebol -cs
        Title: "push-image"
        Date: 26-Aug-2002
        File: %push-image.r
        Purpose: {test image push for web camera}
testing: none
file-name: "gregs-house_CAM1.jpg";
freq: 3
max-images: 10
max-no-update: 30
con-type: "jpeg"
base-file: ""
same-count: 0
; write a binary file to STDOUT, buffered if bufreads is greater than 1
binfile-out: func[fname[string! file!] bufreads[integer!] size[integer!]
                  /local fsize blksize remsize fp][
        either(fp: open/binary to-file fname)[
                either(bufreads < 2)[ ; use 0 or negative to signal unbuffered output
                        prin copy fp
                        either size[
                                blksize: to-integer size / bufreads     
                                remsize: size // bufreads
                                loop bufreads[ prin copy/part fp blksize ]
                                print copy/part fp remsize
                close fp
                ][print "file not opened" none] 
; get MTime for file
MTime: func[file[string! file!] /local stat][
        either(stat: info? to-file file)[ stat/date][none]
; get file size
FSize: func[file[string! file!] /local stat][
        either(stat: info? to-file file)[stat/size][0]
print "Content-Type: text/html^/"
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
print "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary^/";
print "--myboundary";
;;;print <pre>
either any[system/options/cgi/remote-addr = "" system/options/cgi/remote-addr 
= none][
;;;     print "We are local machine"
        Dir: "../images/camera-1/"
        file-name: "Bed-Tax-Logo.jpg";
;;;     print "We are on remote machine"
        testing: false
        Dir: "../images/camera-1/"
        file-name: "gregs-house_CAM1.jpg";
rounds: 0
base-file: join dir file-name
old-image-time: ""
same-count: none
while[rounds < max-images][
        rounds: rounds + 1      
        time: MTime base-file
        ;; If the same image time stamp is no the image file for more than
        ;; the wait period, we presume that the image is not longer updated
        ;; and end the connection
        if ((MTime base-file) <> old-image-time)[
                same-count: 0
                old-image-time: MTime base-file
        if(same-count > (max-no-update * freq))[break]
        same-count: same-count + 1
        rounds: rounds + 1
        print rejoin["Content-type: image/" con-type ]
;;;print "HELLO"
;;;     binfile-out base-file 10 FSize base-file
;;;     binfile-out base-file 0 0
;;;     prin read/binary to-file base-file
;;;     write-io system/ports/output t length? t
;;;     print length? t
;;;     print copy t
;;;     print type? t
        t: read/binary to-file base-file
    prin enbase/base t 16

        print "^/^/--myboundary"
        wait .1

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