Hello Gabriele,

Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 12:19:32 PM, you wrote:

GS> Hi RebOldes,

GS> On Monday, August 26, 2002, 1:41:44 PM, you wrote:

R>>   view layout [
R>>        button "my button" 100 [print now]
R>>        at 80x0 box 20x50 effect [merge colorize 200.0.0]
R>>   ]

GS> Well, a rough approximation would be:

GS>   view layout [
GS>        btn: button "my button" 100 [print now]
GS>        at 80x0 box 20x50 effect [merge colorize 200.0.0] feel [
GS>            engage: func [face action event] [
GS>                btn/feel/engage btn action event
GS>            ]
GS>        ]
GS>   ]

GS> It  has  a  number of problems, but should get you going. Also, of
GS> course  the  "right"  solution  would  be  for RT to provide event
GS> transparency in some way.

Hmm... it's working but does not solve the problem, because in the
real usage I don't know what is bellow the box. I would expect that if
I set feel: none in the box, it will acts as it is not present, but it
kills the event-ray-process as well:(
And except of that i would like to have possibility to decide if the face
is event transparent or not - for example if the pixel of some image in the face is
transparent, then not to stop the event-ray.

We will have to wait for some RT solution and I think it is very important.

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