On 26-Sep-02, Laurence Giddings wrote:

> After reading the long discussions recently on the 
> importance/significance of Rebols
> multi platform/OS capabilities I am prompted to ask once again when 
> support for the Macintosh OS X  system might be forth coming?

They do specifically say they plan to support OS X in their FAQ...


"We like OSX and we are now planning to support REBOL/View and our
other products as well."

That's a different statement to the... "We have REBOL/Core running on
a variety of CE devices. However, porting REBOL/View and related
products to specific platforms is accelerated when a customer or
sponser funds the porting effort." you'll find futher down the page. 
So, reading between the lines, I'd say it's now a case of when, not
if.  My guess is that it wouldn't make sense to release a version
before the next release of View, so maybe you'll see it then or soon
afterwards.  [Disclaimer - just a guess.  I have no inside knowledge
on this.  I don't even know when then is...]

> I know there are a few Mac users around on this ML, but I am sure
> there would be many many more if RT would only support us.....

I'm sure that's true and I'm sure they know it.

(Then again, I'm sure there'd be more OS X users if Apple would only
support X86...;)

But as others have said, REBOL most definately should be on OS X.  "It
feels so empty without you..."  (To misquote:)

Carl Read

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