On 27-Sep-02, Matthew Kim wrote:

> I seem to be having a problem with 'fields'.

> I have a 'field' covering the window of the cell phone, where users
> will be able to type 'text messages', and also where menus will be
> displayed. However, the text doesn't seem to wrap around, instead it
> continues on in a straight line.

> If I use a 'text' box, then it DOES wrap around... However, users's
> can't input messages.

Use 'wrap...

view layout [field 50x100 "The rain in Spain is wet..." wrap]

Though 'area instead of 'field is normally used when you want a
multi-line box.  You still need wrap to get word-wrapping though.

> Secondly...

> How do you do a line break within a string?

"abc^/def" or "abc^(line)def".

The "^" is the escape character, so, when used at the Console...

>> print "abc^/def"     
>> print "abc^(line)def"
>> print "abc^-def"     
abc def
>> print "abc^(tab)def"
abc def
>> print "abc^^def"    
>> print "abc^(41)def"

and so on.  The number in the last one there is in hex, not decimal. 
Look in the Core Guide (it's on the REBOL site) in the Other Values
section for Character to see the other escape characters.

Carl Read

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