Friday, September 27, 2002, 1:34:21 AM, Graham Chiu wrote :
> On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 23:21:54 +0200
>   Christian Langreiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Hmm.  I thought that there was not supposed to be a 
>>> link anywhere to that archive to prevent spiders getting 
>>> to it ... as email addresses are visible on those pages.
>>Well, spiders don't get to sites if they observe 
>>robots.txt, which
>>spam address harvesters most certainly don't.

> We had a discussion before about the archive, 
> and Jeff removed all links to the archive.  To get the 
> address, you have to use the link on the RT rebsite. So 
> even a spam address harvesting robot should not get there. 
>  But I guess google had it in it's database prior to that 
> happening.

It is also possible that people added a link to this page within their own
website. This way google will access it while harvesting those people's sites.

It's hard to keep a useful page from being referenced from somewhere else ;)


Laurent Giroud

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