Hi, Petr,

Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> Yes, it is - but enough is enough imo. Just ask someone from
> external world, what do they know about Rebol? If they even
> recognise it, they are already confused by all the following:
> Rebol/Core
> [snip snip snip snip ...]
> Rebol/Encap
> not to mention Rebol/World, Rebol/Media, Rebol/Author,
> Rebol/Apache, etc., which appeared here or there even in some
> of announcements, articles, etc.
> ... My suggestion is - change Rebol architecture for good, do
> it clever way, allow options and reduce product line - remove
> /Pro and /Command versions - add real components...
> Sorry for bringing in different pov, maybe a radical one, but
> that's just me (and those agreeing with me, staying silent ;-)

This is me agreeing and being silent about it.  ;-)

Or, as John Cage put it,

    I have nothing to say and I am saying it.

There's a bit of irony here, in that REBOL claims (and delivers,
for the most part) to simplify things that are complicated and
confusing in (some) other languages.  Yet many of the things
that are necessary for scaling and for "marketing" have ended up
appearing quite confusing.  

Simplifying the claims/versions/deliverables and exposing some
simple, common mechanisms for extensions/modules would be A
Good Thing IMHO.

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