Hi All,

I had a thought as I was tinkering with different REBOL constructs, to
see which one I liked best, for a particular bit of functionality.
Sometimes, as you know, a very REBOLish idiom can make all the
difference in the world.

Here's the idea; you pose a scenario and people can post different
approaches they might use to handle it. It's not a contest for the
smallest solution, but rather to show different *ways* things can be



You have a number of words that you want initialized to "copy []" or
some other value. Do you do it like this?

    foo: copy []
    bar: copy []
    baz: copy []
Or like this?

    foreach word [foo bar baz][set word copy []]

Or something else.

Do you use a different approach for more or less words?

Do you do things differently if you're setting words in a object?

Do you do something different based on the initial value?

Is there anything else you take into consideration when you do this
kind of thing?

Thanks for playing!

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