Hi, Greg,

Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Scenario:
> You have a number of words that you want initialized to "copy []" or
> some other value. Do you do it like this?
>     foo: copy []
>     bar: copy []
>     baz: copy []
> Or like this?
>     foreach word [foo bar baz][set word copy []]
> Or something else.

Occasionally I might write

     foo: copy bar: copy baz: copy []

to emphasize that they're all "alike" in some way.  That also scales
well if the intial value is more complex than [] (especially if it
must be computed, but that value -- or a copy -- is needed for more
than one variable).

Otherwise, I'd probably use your first case.

> Do you use a different approach for more or less words?

If I had more words than the above, I'd start looking at whether I
needed to redesign so that they all were parts of a larger data
structure, rather than individual words.

> Do you do things differently if you're setting words in a object?

When setting up an object, I usually prefer the

     foo: ...
     bar: ...
     baz: ...

format to make the members of the object very clearly visible.

> Do you do something different based on the initial value?
> Is there anything else you take into consideration when you do this
> kind of thing?

For both of these, see above comments re scaling and number of
distinct copies.

> Thanks for playing!

Thanks for asking! ;-)

Joel Neely            joelDOTneelyATfedexDOTcom           901-263-4446

Counting lines of code is to software development as
counting bricks is to urban development.

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