Hi Maxim,

Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch wrote:
> advanced features get used by advanced users...  a lot of  the code I see from
> the guru is hard to read for me, simply because it uses tricks I have not
> stumbled on yet...  The words are all similar, but when looking at them, they
> seem to have no meaning.

Yup, been there, done that, but didn't even get the T-Shirt ;-)

> have you tried going through all the view code... there is much to learn, but
> darn some of it is almost impossible to grasp.

Right again.

>>excerpt: func [
> [...]
> cool func !!
> ----------------
> don't want to look picky but
> a: 1
> b: 5
> excerpt b [a to b]

It's no problem to write the dialect to understand this (at least, once 
you understand how the 'layout dialect works (which, incidentally, I don't)).

Any takers?


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