On 21-Oct-03, Tim Johnson wrote:

> Hello REBOLS:
> I need some advice :-)
> I've written a function that converts a delimited string into an
> associative list.
> Code and example console session is below: ;;
> =============================================================
> make-al: function[ {Builds an associative list from a delimited
> string}
>     str[string!]   {delimited string} 
>     /with delimiter[string! char!] {custom delimiter (TAB is
>     /default _dval[any-type!] {custom default value (NONE is
>     ][tmp al-block sep dval][
>     sep: either with[to-string delimiter][to-string TAB]
>     dval: either default[_dval][none]
>     al-block: copy []
>     tmp: parse/all str sep
>     if not even? length? tmp[append tmp dval]
>     foreach [name value] tmp[
>         append al-block to-word name
>         append al-block value
>         ]
>     al-block
>     ]
> test: "age^-54^-name^-Tim Johnson^-occuptation^-coder"
> probe make-al test
> ;; = Console session ===========================================
> == [age "54" name "Tim Johnson" occuptation "coder"]
> ;; Now, so far it is a piece of cake, but this is where
> ;; I falter:
> I would like to employ a strategy that converts any value
> to the best guess for a rebol datatype. IOWS, "54"[string!] 
> would become 54[integer!]

> It occurs to me that a brute-force method would be to process
> via a nested attempt[any[]] loop.

> Any more "elegant" ideas? 
> thanks
> tim

Hi Tim,

If you could first enclose the text you want to end up as strings in
speechmarks, (maybe using parse), a simple load may be all you'd
need.  ie...

>> test: {age^-54^-name^-"Tim Johnson"^-occuptation^-"coder"}
== {age^-54^-name^-"Tim Johnson"^-occuptation^-"coder"}
>> load test
== [age 54 name "Tim Johnson" occuptation "coder"

It all depends on how well-ordered your data is, I guess.

Carl Read

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