Le 21-Oct-03, vous avez écrit :

> Can people living in Europe or Germany confirm whether these formats for
> currency look right, please?
> Euro: 123.456,00 €
> German Mark: 123.456,00 DM
> US Dollar: $123,456.00

First correct notations for currency taken in my old ARexx script YAE (1999)...

 EUR VALUE IN (conforming ISO 4217 standard)

 French Republic                 French franc           FRF     6.55957
 Federal Republic of Germany     German mark            DEM     1.95583
 Italian Republic                Italian lira           ITL  1936.27000
 Kingdom of Spain                Spanish peseta         ESP   166.38600
 Portuguese Republic             Portuguese escudo      PTE   200.48200
 Republic of Austria             Austrian schilling     ATS    13.76030
 Ireland                         Irish pound            IEP     0.78756
 Kingdom of the Netherlands      Dutch guilder          NLG     2.20371
 Kingdom of Belgium              Belgian franc          BEF    40.33990
 Republic of Finland             Finnish markka         FIM     5.94573

The POINT notation for thousands is not used in France (Europe ?).
The comma (,) is use to separate euros and cents.

Euro : 123 456,00 EUR

As i don't use yet unicode (16 bits) charset on my Amiga mailer (YAM),  i obtain a 
only a little box (null character) in display instead of Euro character when i 
received emails send in Windows1252 charset ;-( This problem is the same with lot of 
browsers on Linux, MacOS, etc... 

M$ doesn't respect the official norm so the Windows1252 charset use the FALSE position 
128 in  (x80) classic ascii table...  Others OS (the reference is Latin 9 
(ISO-8859-15) use the TRUE position 164 (xA4) in ISO-8859-15 charset (replace the old 
ISO 8859-1 also known as Latin-1).

To obtain the EURo char, type AltGr + E on european keyboard (french, etc...) and 
AltGr + 5 on US keyboard

Very complex for just a character... Personally, i often use "EUR" the ISO4217 
notation ;-)

Arnaud, somewhere in France
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