On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 03:44:30 +1000, Brett Handley 

> You can sort of, but you may not want to :-)
>>> test: ["Bug Report" 1]
> == ["Bug Report" 1]
>>> key: "Bug Report"
> == "Bug Report"
>>> do reduce [to-set-path reduce ['test :key] 1 + test/:key]
> == ["Bug Report" 2]
>>> test
> == ["Bug Report" 2]

Hi Brett, thanks for this. Looks terrible to me but it does the trick 
without a find.

> Alternatively perphaps a change in your data format (adding some 
> metadata) will help:

Yes, I thought about this too. But this will bloat the data so I prefer 
the first solution. Robert

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