Re: Re: Looking over the horizon - Rebol 3
(See at bottom)
> Hi, Andrew,
> Thanks for starting what I hope will be a productive thread!  Now,
> speaking strictly for myself, little of my REBOL wish list is about
> adding features to the language.
> Andrew Martin wrote:
> > 
> > * Lots more datatypes! For example, a Telephone! data type, temperature,
> > audio/sound data-type, metric and imperial units like 123.5Km, 50MpH,
> > and so on...
> > 
> No.  Please, no.  Please, please, no.
> There have been plenty of threads in the past about the confusing and
> not-completely-documented behavior associated with the existing plethora
> of types.  Do we really want that situation compounded???  (e.g. what
> happens when I add 2 to 123.5Km, what happens when I multiply 50MpH by
> 32F, ...)
> I realy have only two wishes in regard to data types:
> 1)  Fully document the existing ones.
> 2)  Add support for promoting objects to true user-defined types.
> I hope the first is obvious (and non-controversial) to the list.
> Let me give a trivial example of the second issue, and then apply it
> (in a non-trivial way, I hope! ;-) to your wish list above.
> REBOL has a PAIR! type which can be used for 2D points, but suppose I
> am working on projective geometry in a serious way.  I can define
>      ; projective point
>      ppoint: make object! [
>          u: v: w: 0               ; projective coordinates of pline
>          to-string: func [] [...] ; create a printable representation
>          ...                      ; other natural behavior of a ppoint
>      ]
>      ; projective line
>      pline : make object! [
>          p: q: r: 0               ; projective coordinates of pline
>          to-string: func [] [...] ; create a printable representation
>          ...                      ; other natural behavior of a pline
>      ]
> after which I can sprinkle such things as the following thru my code:
>      P1: make ppoint [u: -1  v:  2  w:  1]
>      P2: make ppoint [u:  4  v:  5  w: -1]
>      L1: make pline  [p:  1  q: -1  r:  0]
> but the list of useful things I *can't* do includes the following:
>      ; function that returns the point where two lines intersect
>      common-point: func [l1 [pline] l2 [pline]] [
>          ...
>      ]
>      ; function that returns the line joining two points
>      common-line: func [p1 [ppoint] p2 [ppoint]] [
>          ...
>      ]
>      ; is the given point on the given line?
>      pt-on-line?: func [p1 [ppoint] l1 [pline]] [
>          ...
>      ]
>      print ["line 2 is " common-line P1 P2]  ; and get meaningful output
>      P3: 2 * P1  ; by defining for REBOL what it means to multiply
>                  ; a ppoint by a number
> If I want to define a function that takes a ppoint as an argument, I
> can only say:
>      some-function: func [ppt [object!] ...] [...]
> but then REBOL will allow *any* object to be passed (likely giving me
> a run-time error when I try to actually perform some operation on/with
> it inside the function body).
> Now, let's apply this idea to your list; many of your desired types
> are just numbers with an associated dimensionality -- so many degrees F
> (or C or K ...), yea many pounds (or grams or kilograms or stone ...),
> and (with composite dimensions) thus many grams per cubic centimeter
> (or miles per hour, or liters per second ...)
> If we had true type support for objects, we (*any* REBOL programmer
> with enough experience/determination) could write something like
> (I'm making this up as an illustration, so it's not debugged! ;-)
>      dimensions: make object! [
>          numerators: []
>          denominators: []
>          to-string: func [] [...]
>          ...
>      ]
>      dimensioned-number: make object! [
>          value: 0
>          units: make dimensions []
>          to-string: func [] [...]
>          ...
>      ]
>      distance: dimensioned-number 6 [mile]
>      how-long: dimensioned-number .1 [hour]
>      print distance / how-long ; or print divide distance how-long
> and get
>      60 mile per hour
> Then someone who wanted to compute earth's escape velocity in
> furlongs per fortnight could do so without further support from RT!
As a guy who doesn't know how are implement, and more than that, how the programer use 
the concept of OO in any other langage (operator overload (my french->english 
translation)...), I can extend a litle the Joel idea like this :

      ppoint!: make datatype! [
          u: v: w: 0               ; projective coordinates of pline
          add: func [p1 [ppoint!] p2 [ppoint!]] [ (stuff to add 2 ppoint values) ]
          substract: func [p1 [ppoint!] p2 [ppoint!]] [ (stuff to substract 2 ppoint 
values) ]
          multiply: func [p1 [ppoint!] p2 [ppoint!]] [ (stuff to multiply 2 ppoint 
values) ]
          to-string: func [] [...] ; create a printable representation
          ...                      ; other natural behavior of a ppoint

This will create a new user datatype! with what function overload you want. It seems 
to me that it's easier to define the postfixed function instead of the prefixe one 
('add instead of '+ ...) but not an expert ;)
So the interpreter can used the user 'add function if the parameters datatype! belong 
to a user define one.

Appart of this, I just want for the future Rebol :
- Known Bug correction or workaround for :
   * Network Protocols
   * Modale window and Event filtering
   * To-integer (with decimal value)
- Enhancement to the existing VID styles to handle current usage :
   * Full text-list with slider management.
   * Area link with a slider.
   * Or functions to link slider with text scroll or offset scroll (and the opposite).
   * Known bugs correction (text editing...).
- External new VID styles features :
   * Just thinking of a %styles/ directory in the %desktop/ one where could be store
      advanced styles (treeview...) working as a cache of styles. An automatic fetching
      function try to download them from RT site through this directory when user use 
      It's a workaround for the "Interpreter will become too big" problem, but allow 
- Integrated async protocol
- Freeing some features or make them usable :
   * Sound (it's already OK)
   * Shell access
   * Big number

And of course
- Full, or at least, better documentation (How VID works...)
- Mac OS X version

And last, to be able to said again that Rebol is portable :
- All core and View release at the same level on all system.

I probably forget something, but I let you complete ;)


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