This has been fixed in REBOL/View

>> + 1 2
== 3

>> type? (+ 1 2)
== integer!


> Hello list,
> there is a difference between the documentation of the + function 
> in the REBOL dictionary and the one I get with HELP +.
> In the first one usage says that + a b should work, while the 
> last one says usage should be a + b.
> Now when I try it at the console I get for:
>     >> 1 + 2
>     == 3
>     >>    
> and for:
>     >> + 1 2
>     >>
> so in the last case no value seems to be returned. Which makes me 
> think that the USAGE direction of the Dictionary is bad. (Is that 
> correct?)
> When i do:
>     >> print [ + 1 2 ]
>     ?op?
>     >>
> the value "?op?" is returned.
> And when I do:
>     >>reduce [ + 1 2 ]
>     == [op]
>     >>
> something similar is returned.
> Obviously these values are related to + being an OP! value as in:
>     >> op? :+
>     == true
> but still it is not totally clear to me why the word "op" or even 
> "?op?" is being returned instead of "op!" in the 2 last cases.
> Perhaps one of you can explain this to me?
> Thanx so far!
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
>     Arie van Wingerden

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