On 17-Dec-03, Ged Byrne wrote:

> Looking at it again, the challange was "to describe
> [the language] in terms of the problem it fixes." [1]

> This is very different from a marketing slogan.  For
> example, the one-liner for lisp is 
> "Lisp: Turing Machines are an awkward way to describe
> computation."

> This seems an awkward way to describe Lisp, but it
> probably does reflect the motivation of John McCarthy
> back in the 1960s.

> Rebol's creator has expressed the problem that Rebol
> is intended to fix quite clearly on the Rebol web
> site:

> "REBOL is not a traditional computer language like C,
> BASIC, or Java. Instead, REBOL was designed to solve
> one of the fundamental problems in computing: the
> exchange and interpretation of information between
> distributed computer systems." 

I was trying to get at that with...

    REBOL: XML can't parse itself.

using a similar style to what's on the site.  ie...

    Pascal: Algol doesn't have enough data types.

Carl Read

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