Hello all,

First version of Rebol API to my object-oriented database DyBASE is
ready. It can be downloaded from my site:

DyBASE is embedded object oriented database for languages with dynamic
type checking. Rebol is fourth language for which DyBASE API is
provided. Data in database is stored in language independent format,
so (with some exceptions) data written by Python application can be
accessed by Rebol application (and visa versa).

Please read Rebol section in DyBYSE manual to get more information of
about specific of Rebol interface to DyBASE.

To use DyBASE at Windows in your Rebol application you need to include in PATH
two libraries: DyBASE core dybasedll.dll (which is located in dybase\lib
directory) and Rebol wrapper - dybaseapi.dll (located in dybase\rebol
directory). At Unix you should first build these libraries. Use
makefile in dybase/src and dybase/rebol directories.
Then just load "dybase.r" module.

Please look also at examples:
dybase/rebol/guess.r - game: "guess an animal"
dybase/rebol/testindex.r - test of indices
dybase/rebol/testlink.r - detail-order-supplier database

All bug reports, change requests, suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,
 Konstantin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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