Hello Gregg,

Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 7:26:41 PM, you wrote:

GI> Hi Konstantin,

GI> First, thanks for completing the REBOL interface to DyBase!

GI> Now, if all the source to it is available, any good folks here who
GI> want to take a crack at improving can do so, right? Hopefully, we can
GI> give you some helpful feedback, in return for all your work.

Certainly, all sources are available.
And I will be glad to receive any improvements.
I only want to notice, that I want to use universal database format
for all languages. So I will not include in DyBASE features which are
not present in other languages. Certainly anyone can create its own
version of DyBASE based on my implementation and I have nothing
against it. But I will include in my distribution only those changes which
I consider to be useful.

GI> Thanks again!

GI> -- Gregg                         

Best regards,
 Konstantin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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