
> For me, REBOL delivers a lot today, but what excites me most is that
>  I see it as just the-tip-of-the-tip-of the iceberg. :)

Of course, it's all those bits under water that you can't see that sink ships.

REBOL is lacking in lint-type utilities and debuggers and so on.  As several 
people over the years have pointed out, it is hard to write such tools when 
the whole language is so soft.   A line of code like:

 print if either or and but

may be completely valid in its context.

But hard-to-write doesn't mean impossible. And REBOL is ideally suited for 
such a task.

Tools like that are definitely on my Christmas present list this year. But I 
doubt Santa Claus' elves are up to it. Perhaps they can be on some of our New 
Year resolutions' lists as well.

Happy holidays all,
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