Sunanda wrote: > A line of code like: > > print if either or and but > > may be completely valid in its context.
And so is this dialect (Caution: C# code inside!): Person: "Person's details." [ Honourific: Honourific Global/Mesh/Honourifics Forename: string Surname: string Nickname: string Gender: Gender Relations: many Relation Birthday: DateTime Residence: Residence Global/Mesh/Residences Cellphone: Cellphone Global/Mesh/Cellphones Address: Address Global/Mesh/Addresses Email: many Email this: { public string Age { get { if (0 != birthday.Ticks) { int Days, Months, Years; DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; DateTime Birth = Birthday; Days = Now.Day - Birth.Day; if (Days < 0) { Months = Birth.Month + 1; Years = Birth.Year; if (12 < Months) { Months = 1; Years++; } DateTime n = new DateTime (Years, Months, 1); Days = (n - Birth).Days + Now.Day - 1; Birth = n; } Months = Now.Month - Birth.Month; Years = Now.Year - Birth.Year; if (Months < 0) { Months = Months + 12; Years = Years - 1; } return Years + " years, " + Months + " months, " + Days + " days."; } return ""; } } public override string ToString () { return Forename + " " + Surname; } } ] :) Andrew J Martin Speaking in tongues and performing miracles. ICQ: 26227169 -><- -- To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject.