Hi Tim,

>  But I believe that lists and blocks are implemented
>  differently internally, but I'm ignorant as to how.
>  any comments on this?

Conceptually, a block is just a collection of values where the sequence is 
directly known (ie. like an "array" REBOL knows where the Nth value is). A 
list on the other hand ensures that each value knows where the previous 
and next values are (finding the Nth value in this case involves "walking" 
the list one value at a time).

The following test attempts to highlight the strength and weakness of each 
series! type (keep in mind that the memory cost of list! / hash! is higher 
than block!).

Test Data
        One million numbers from one through to one million in a 6.75MB file.

Test Environment
        Intel Pentium 3.0 GHz with 1GB of RAM.

Operations Per Second

Operation           Block!     List!      Hash!
==================  =========  =========  =========
first / last        1,961,614  2,038,423  1,936,023
pick / poke / at    1,844,334        504  1,846,456
find / select (1)   1,546,259  1,538,385  1,399,606
find / select (2)          52         51  1,402,559
foreach                    13         20         19
insert                     81  1,087,684         19
insert tail         1,032,956    861,769    723,152
change              1,572,834  1,569,881  1,307,086
head / tail / next  1,883,858  1,916,338  1,816,748
remove                     80  1,493,110         54
remove tail         1,127,093  1,187,992  1,115,157

(1) First value in series
(2) Last value in series


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