Re: Forum Name
As one of the everyday user of the french forum
 since one and a half year, I perhaps can give you comments on it's usage.

Web forum has the advantage to be reachable from everywhere with only a browser and 
without any setup.
By opposition, ALTME need an apps and Mail need a mail client and setup, so they are 
more restrict to use on a specific machine.
I use ALTME on 2 computers (home and work), and I need to check twice if unreaded 
messages where not already read on the other computer (boring).
For the ML, as spam kill me everyday, I don't use mail client too much and still the 
same problem : 2 computers. So I send you this message with my short Rebol client that 
parse the list and messages web pages ;-)

Forum need to be well build (and explain) to be usefull as searching info.

Our forum has (simple, yes) search capabilities, but "keyword" search is not very 
If you want to know hos to open a port, searching "port" or "open" will bring you too 
much answers not concerning your problem.
To be usefull, a more advanced search engine must be used with boolean search and so 

Forum, are usually sorted by date and thread title.
A good thing would be to have categories. To be able to place a post in some of them, 
so you can browse categories to find documents.

We have the "Send me a mail when answer" but I never used it (like Carl said, mail 
suck). But sure it's a needed functionnality.

In the thread list, registered users have a visual indication of thread where unreaded 
posts are. Just some red or yellow squares to indicate them.
For a guy like me, who post more answers than questions, It's very very usefull !!
For whose who ask, they can see if new answer were posted since their last visit, even 
if they don't have the ability to receive mail (cybercoffe, office, friend home...).

Our forum was code by a student in web technologie, so it give us fine features like 
the ability to receive the thread list page or a tread page (posts) in XML format.
ie: the HTML thread list
and the XML one

He also add an XML-RPC server, so we can now use the REBXR work to act on the forum 
without browser. Nice.
So I have build a Rebol client that can read XML tread list page periodically and 
where I display the same red and yellow indicators. Like this, it become more 
I have planned to also display the posts page with Rebol (done but not release yet), 
like this I will be able to "run code" directly, a la easy-vid ;-), next step is 
XML-RPC use.

As I understand it, you want your forum to be a "tips" and "how to" archive location.
So you need to restrict access to people that know where and how posts things. Or you 
will need many moderators : we begin to see more and more "trolls" (ads, illegal 
stuff, hackers...)

Probably more to say, but thats all for now.



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