Em Ter 06 Jan 2004 18:29, you wrote:
> Last night we purchased reboltalk.com and rebol-help.com
> I am currently creating a index page for rebol-help and will instal phpbb
> on reboltalk as soon as the domain resolves.

I did the same with rebolbrasil using phpbb. i may say it's just fine
take a look : http://www.nobrenet.com/rebolbrasil

> While I understand the concerns about fragmentation I feel the need for
> archived information for new users will definitely benefit from a
> forum and possibly a clear index of where to find rebol resources.

nothing better then archived info for new users. i feel like that too

> While I hope that the rebol community will pitch in ( perhaps moderate the
> forum, or add articles)

I am not an expert at REBOL programming but I may help if I can ;)


Carlos Lorenz

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