Hi Joel,

>Sort of like iterating DO/NEXT with an additional check for REST ?

>I pondered doing something with DO/NEXT a while back, but gave up in
>frustration (I hope you're smarter and/or more patient than I ;-) as
>I want to be able to write expressions/functions more sophisticated
>than a single block, but still have interruptability.  For example:
>     eval [
>         foreach line read/lines %somefile [
>             print line
>             rest
>         ]
>     ]
>     interruptableFunction: func [aLine [string!]] [
>         print aLine
>         doSomethingInteresting aLine
>         rest
>     ]
>     eval [
>         foreach line read/lines %someOtherFile [
>             interruptableFunction line
>         ]
>     ]
>You said "takes a block" so I inferred that things such as the above
>(nested blocks, including function evaluation) are currently out of
>reach.  Am I too pessimistic?
Yes and no. Right now, if rest is returned as value of a subexpression, 
this works nicely. All three code pieces work, but I because I am patching
all looping and conditional constructs (to set all kinds of hidden flags 
for rest and eval).

More patient I guess :-)

>If I have to do all the work of managing e.g. loops and other "control
>structures", including functions, I think I'd probably want to just go
>ahead and evert the code into a task object (per the article on
>REBOLforces) with a STEP method that does some meaningful (but not over
>long) piece of work and then saves state and returns control.
I agree. Transparancy is the way to go. Once I get some stuff in a 
decent state I'll need others to test it and see if it works "naturally"

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