Hi Jason, Gregg and Maxim. Thank you for your specific answers,

I will request for help and accept contributions as well when it will 
be needed, later in the project. For the moment I simply want some 
ML members to read and say what they think about the content of 
the proposed indexing system - in view of helping any newbie to find 
its way amongst the vast enough already exixting REBOL documentation.

May be some parts may seem to be useless, redundant or misleading. 
For example the distinction to be done betwwen the Tools and the Library 
- since some scripts seem to fit well into both. Other items may seem to miss. 
Don't hesitate to add. But don't forget that until you I feed you with the 
future planned TOC and content of my learning tools, many items may 
leave you with the idea that not everything would be covered. 

Note also that in a far future I also plan to offer advanced learning material 
to support programmers that need this kind of material if time and need for 
this are always present. It will also be for my own learning since this could 
help to decode the inside of many advanced scripts using such concepts as 
DYNAMIC DATA STRUCTURES as used in many advanced CS text books 
and as supported in part by REBOL with its own list and block data structures.

This week i'll also work about the TOC and try to well plan the gradual 
advance needed for the learning material I want to create in addition to all 
what already exists here and elsewhere about REBOL learning. 

This should will be submitted for review and comment before I begin the 
real work about content.

For sure I will now continue my work using French since it will be easier 
and shorter to me and I will ask Maxim and/or Jason and DidierC to help 
review and translate some parts of my written work.

A last word to Jason about the the Web site and the easy-vid.r format 
conversion you offered. In fact at this time 

I suggest that we use some Web space on your server to start some 
"informal showcase" to display the incremental steps of the proposed TOC 
when it is revised and updated - but at end I plan to ask Rebol.org to 
display this TOC and REBOL.COM to add some pointer to it if Carl agrees to do so.

For the easy-vid.r conversion, I really don't see the urgency or even the true 
usefulness of this step at this moment since this would not be easily viewable 
with such long titles in the left column - some horizontal scroll bar is needed 
May be the titles must be shortened instead. If you want to work on this you're 

But a last question about the way you suggest to use it : If some reader 
downloads the TOC in easy-vid format, what will be the next step for him? 
If downloading any of the other subsequent parts is your way then this is feasible 
now but your content will have to be revised soon - so I personally wait until the 
next revision if any before doing so. 

If this can be of some help to you I can announce that I already began to hack 
the easy-vid script a bit as to let it become 2 new derived apps :

1- an easy-VID generator which when coupled with some .txt file content 
- much as the actual make-doc-pro - could automatically replace the actual 
easy-VID fixed content and leave its easy-VID coating with its display, navigation 
and execution functionalities - not as big deal but this could permit to easily create 
from a single .txt entry a dual output simply by switching from a make-doc 
generated HTML output to an easy-VID script format. 

Actually this job must be done manually. Not a difficult one but one that could be 

This new tool would change its name as the "make-easy-VID" application to 
reflect its new nature when related to other make-doc family members. Some 
restrictions apply but nevertheless they bear strong likeness.

2- A new version of the current easy-VID as been created with 2 new features :
         a) a "Content linking" new mark-up has been added and implemented. 
             So when this mark-up is encountered in the actual Content a query 
             to start a new easy-VID copy with its own "Content " is executed and 
             the new easy-VID replaces the current one. ("#->" Mark-up instead of =URL
                                                                               may be 
substituted but may mislead)
         b) A second mark-up to add some additional information taken from a .txt 
             file has also been added trying to simulate in some way an external URL 

             This could be used for example to display in its own window the 
additional text 
             when the BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE line is clicked - I was not able to 
              let the "anchored" word inside a current paragraph for display with some 
              different STYLE than the rest and I was not able to keep it with the 
rest if some 
              independent mouse click operation was to be used. (## mark-up)

              This seems to be a limitation to the actual styles available inside 
              Some RTF like style would help here for the display part but the 
              seems to be another subtle part to implement ... if it is not done yet. 

              When this will be implemented (View 2.0 may be ?) there will not be a 
lot of 
              difference between the many make-doc family members as to the way the 
              could be used - that is with real hyperlinks for easy-VID documents and 
              make-doc-pro HTML-PDF documents. 

             At least this is on an old wish list I saw in the past about View and I 
finally know 
             why ... Word processing too is a potential client IIRC !!!

             My 2 modifs are almost ready to be used but some adjustments are needed 
             yet to be done. And I must also add them to the VID-usage enriched 
version of 

This is all for now,

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