Hi List,

After a fresh look at the actual DOC indexing system on the Official Web site I went 
to the conclusion that most of the existing
material I planned to re-index is already indexed there. Most of the known REBOL links 
have also been added recently to the
displayed list.

So I'll simply continue by contributing some of the missing parts as desctibed in my 
proposal and ask Carl to put some links to what
will be considered as useful when delivered exactly as is done now.

But nevertheless there are definitely some material that could be added to help 
starters and I'll continue to help fill this gap as
much as I can with the help of the many volunteers that have recently put up their 
hand over their head ...  but more and more I
work with REBOL I think I always need support for the most advanced features I 
discover and that are left unexplained - in the
official ways at least.

The many discussions held over the many comm channels continue to deliver the greatest 
support that exists for now - simply hope it
will continue to deliver such a useful help for a long time to come ... since we'll 
never be able to encapsulate all this knowledge
in the form of a static display ! But logs and archives search is a good way to cope 
with as is currently done by Carl, Graham and
REBOL.org team. Thanks everybody since this is no small task - since recurrent...


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