Dixit Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch (15.33 19.02.2004):
>Because rebol really is just evaluating expressions as it encouters them one thing at 
>a time, when it hits a string value, for example, IF no previous function required an 
>argument, it is ignored, and evaluation simply continues to the following item of 

Correction: the string is not ignored. It is evaluated (to itself!). Isn't it so?

>I know this is isn't news to any of the fluent rebolers, but once and a while I like 
>to remind the list about these potent rebol features for newcommers.

You're right to do so. Although I've been a rebol script kiddie for a long time, I 
don't think I realized this (about the Expression Based part of REBOL) before the 
third or fourth time I read these things.

>Whatever happened to the old morpheus deal...

Yes, we were promised to have our socks blown off! So, ... ?


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