Hi Doc, I understand your point and i agree.

I think that could be followed a path like the View one.

i am thinking to the feel object, with recurring standard name until is

My first attempt make me think to (arguments here are only example):

 port/locals/feel: make object! [
    resolve: func ["dns lookup done" port][]
    read: func ["read op done" port][]
    write: func ["write op done" port][]
    end: func ["connection is closed by peer or task is at the end" port][]
    connect: func [ "connection is open" port][]
    detect: func ["low-level" port][]


port/locals: make object! [
    .... (internal stuff)
    resolve: func ["dns lookup done" port][]
    read: func ["read op done" port][]
    write: func ["write op done" port][]
    end: func ["connection is closed by peer or task is at the end" port][]
    connect: func [ "connection is open" port][]
    detect: func ["low-level" port][]

or it could be a block not an object.

    port/locals/feel: []

Not all functions are needed for all protocols, and sometimes they can have
other meanings.

In both cases, it should be a good thing to permit the user to define the
function at make port! time. To reach this goal, a syntax could be:

1)     p: open/custom url [resolve: [user-code ] read: [user-code]]


2)    p: open/custom url reduce [resolve: func [port data][user-code ] read:
func [port data][user-code]]


3)    p: open/custom url [resolve: [port data][user-code ] read: [port

the last permits to define local vars without reducing the block:

    p: open/custom url [resolve: [port data /local a b c][user-code ]]

perhaps all 3 cases could be supported by the handler with a parse rule.

What do you think?


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